
Under Arrest: Your Guide to Criminal Law

Why Your Business Need A Commercial Lawyer

Commercial lawyers are professionals who handle the legal aspects of running a business. Most business people underestimate the benefits of retaining the services of a commercial lawyer. However, this oversight often leads to legal liabilities in the future. The article below details the benefits of hiring a commercial lawyer and the considerations that business people should make when hiring these lawyers. 

The Benefits Of Hiring A Commercial Lawyer

Commercial lawyers will ensure your business operates within the law. They will ensure that you comply with government, state, local council and industry regulations.

Your commercial lawyer will guide you when creating business partnerships. Typically, they will conduct a cost-benefit analysis to establish the long-term effect of these partnerships.

A commercial lawyer will draft and evaluate business contracts to ensure that they are in your favour. In case of business disputes, your commercial lawyer will represent you during negotiation, mediation and arbitration meetings.

The lawyer will also represent the business in court if a person or business sues your company.

Your commercial lawyer will help protect intellectual business property such as your trademark, trade secrets, patents and copyrights.  

Considerations To Make When Hiring A Commercial Lawyer

Consider the following when hiring a commercial law professional: 


Typically, you should assess your business operations to establish whether you need a full-time or part-time lawyer. Additionally, decide whether you prefer an individual lawyer or a law firm. As a rule of thumb, the lawyer should be ready to address your various business needs. 

Experience And Accreditation

Typically, the lawyer should understand how your industry runs. For instance, if you are in the construction industry, it makes sense to hire a lawyer who has worked with clients in the construction industry. This experience enables the lawyer to assess your business and advice how you can adjust your operations to ensure you are fully compliant with the law. Check the lawyer's papers to establish their academic qualifications. Some lawyers will have accreditations from recognised legal and business associations. It is a guarantee that the professional offers high-quality services. 


How much will the lawyer charge? Most lawyers will ask for a retainer and charge an hourly fee. Ideally, you should check the hourly fee to ensure your business can afford the lawyer. Some lawyers will opt to charge a fixed fee for each specific task. If you hire the lawyer permanently, they could opt for a standard salary. 

About Me

Under Arrest: Your Guide to Criminal Law

Being arrested by the police can be a super scary experience. When you are in a police interview room or cell, you may not always be able to think clearly. That's where our blog comes in. The articles published here are designed to pre-arm you with the knowledge you need to survive what could be a legally difficult situation. We will look at subjects such as your rights when arrested, how to find the best criminal attorney, and the court process. Although none of us are legal professionals, we all take an interest in current criminal law in this country.

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